Direct Mail

Direct mail was the start of direct response marketing, but even after digital channels became a thing, direct mail remained one of the highest converting marketing channels in direct marketing campaigns. Direct mail gives you an advantage over your competition.

We Mailed
pieces over the last three years for our clients.

Saving them thousands on postage, while achieving higher response rates than our competitors who focus on quantity.



There's a lot of noise across marketing channels for most brands, but not all the target audiences are listening on the same channels. Trying to pinpoint where your customers or prospects are listening can be difficult.

Our proven audience modeling process identifies precisely who your targets are and where they are listening. With that information, we make sure direct mail and the right digital channels are working together. Digital channels are great for awareness, whereas direct mail functions as “the closer.” This fact is backed by countless multichannel campaigns where direct mail was included and ultimately attributed to the conversion.


There is less competition for attention in the mailbox than across all screens. That's great news! Standing out in the mailbox will only help you separate yourself even further from your competition. Following these steps, you will extend the time your target interacts with the piece:

  • Creating a direct mail piece that demands attention by focusing on creative design and messaging.
  • Choosing image(s) that will draw the reader's eye immediately.
  • Writing simple, easy-to-understand copy with a clear call to action.

Compared to digital marketing, a physical marketing message will have a longer life, allowing for future responses. Direct mail by its nature is a tangible reminder of your marketing message. Even if your recipient is not inspired to react immediately, a physical mail piece can more easily be filed for reference while also helping improve brand recognition even after being recycled.

If you're ready to add or do direct mail even better, let's talk.